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Your September Issue of Natural Alternatives
August 31, 2023

Natural Alternatives for Your Total Health

September 2023

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“The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” ~Hippocrates








By Dr. Naveen Arya

The most precious and permanent home is your body. Invest in your physical and mental health

Lifestyle disorders are not unusual today. And this unusual picture is letting many take these disorders casually, which in turn are proving to be a dangerous alarm to the people. In the fast-paced world, we hardly get time to give heed to our disastrous lifestyle leading to devastating health disorders.

Where lies the remedy? Have you ever tried to know our roots and the natural healing remedy?

In a world filled with hectic schedules, high-stress levels, and unhealthy lifestyle choices, the need for effective remedies to combat health disorders and dangerous lifestyles has become paramount. Amidst the sea of modern medical advancements, Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, shines as a beacon of hope. With its holistic approach and emphasis on natural healing, Ayurveda offers profound wisdom and remedies to restore balance and vitality to our lives.

Conditions like Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, and stress-related ailments, are often a result of poor dietary habits, sedentary lifestyles, and high-stress levels. While modern medicine offers various treatments, Ayurveda, which translates to “the science of life,” is more than just a medical system—it is a way of living in harmony with nature.

Let us know the effective Ayurveda remedies and lifestyle tips to manage and prevent these detrimental conditions naturally: 

Understanding Lifestyle Disorders

Chronic health issues, known as lifestyle disorders, are mostly brought on by an individual’s way of life. Environmental factors, insufficient sleep, bad diet, too much stress, and a lack of physical activity all contribute to the emergence of many illnesses.

Ayurveda recognizes that each person is unique, and imbalances in the body’s doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) lead to the manifestation of diseases. Ayurveda aims to enhance total well-being by restoring equilibrium. 

Ayurvedic Remedies and Tips

Balanced Diet: According to Ayurvedic principles, a balanced diet is not only about the specific foods we eat but also about the tastes, qualities, and combinations of those foods. Ayurveda recognizes six tastes: sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent. A balanced diet must be added with all six tastes in appropriate proportions to ensure that all doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) are balanced. Ayurveda lays importance on eating fresh, seasonal, and organic foods that are grown in harmony with nature. Ayurveda firmly suggests avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, and excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol.

Daily Routine (Dinacharya): Daily Routine, known as Dinacharya, forms an integral part of maintaining overall health and well-being. Dinacharya encompasses a series of practices and rituals that are performed daily to establish a harmonious connection between body, mind, and spirit. Wake up early in the morning and engage in activities such as tongue scraping, oil pulling, and self-massage with warm oil. Follow this with a balanced breakfast, regular exercise, and meditation to calm the mind. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule, aiming for 7-8 hours of restful sleep each night.

Following a regular daily routine helps to promote proper digestion, enhance mental clarity, boost energy levels, and strengthen the immune system. By incorporating Dinacharya into our lives, we invite a sense of rhythm, discipline, and self-care that nurtures our overall well-being and supports us in living a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Yoga and Meditation: Yoga, with its diverse range of asanas (postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises), helps to harmonise the body, mind, and spirit. It improves flexibility, strength, and balance while promoting the efficient flow of energy throughout the body. Incorporating yoga asanas (postures) and meditation into your daily routine helps reduce stress and promotes physical and mental well-being. Practices like Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Pranayama (breathing exercises), and mindfulness meditation help balance the doshas, improve circulation, and enhance overall vitality.

The combination of Yoga and Meditation in Ayurveda offers a profound path toward self-discovery, self-healing, and spiritual growth, enabling individuals to experience holistic well-being and a harmonious connection with themselves and the world around them.

Herbal Remedies: Ayurveda recognizes the inherent healing power of nature and utilises a vast array of herbs, plants, and botanical preparations to address various health conditions. Herbal remedies in Ayurveda are carefully selected based on their specific properties, tastes, and effects on the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Some commonly used herbs include Ashwagandha for stress management, Turmeric for its anti-inflammatory properties, Triphala for digestion, and Brahmi for cognitive health.

Ayurvedic herbal remedies offer safe and effective solutions for a wide range of health concerns. Moreover, these remedies are natural, free from harmful chemicals, and often devoid of significant side effects. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to identify the appropriate herbs for your specific needs.

Panchakarma Detoxification: Panchakarma, an integral part of Ayurveda, is a profound detoxification and rejuvenation therapy that aims to eliminate accumulated toxins from the body and restore balance in the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Panchakarma translates to ‘five actions,’ as it involves a series of therapeutic procedures that address the root causes of imbalances in the body. It involves procedures like oil massages, herbal steam baths, and enemas. This detoxification process supports the body’s natural healing mechanisms, improves digestion, boosts immune function, enhances energy levels, and promotes a state of overall well-being.

Panchakarma detoxification is considered a transformative journey that not only purifies the body but also nurtures the mind, cultivates inner harmony, and rejuvenates the spirit.

Stress Management: The Ayurvedic approach to stress management involves a combination of lifestyle modifications, dietary changes, herbal remedies, and mindfulness practices. Chronic stress is a significant contributor to lifestyle disorders.

Ayurveda emphasises the importance of stress management through practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and regular relaxation techniques. Engaging in hobbies, spending time in nature, and cultivating positive relationships also play a crucial role in managing stress.

Ayurveda emphasises the importance of establishing a daily routine (Dinacharya) that includes practices like yoga, meditation, and pranayama (breathing exercises) to calm the mind and balance the doshas.

Nurturing self-care rituals, such as warm oil massages (Abhyanga), helps to soothe the nervous system and release accumulated tension. Ayurveda encourages individuals to adopt a sattvic (pure and balanced) diet, avoiding stimulating substances like caffeine and processed foods and instead choosing nourishing, whole foods that promote harmony and vitality.

Exercise: In Ayurveda, daily exercise holds immense importance as it is considered essential for maintaining optimal health and well-being. Ayurveda recommends engaging in exercises that are suitable for your body type and constitution. This may include yoga, brisk walking, swimming, or any other form of moderate exercise that promotes circulation, strengthens muscles, and improves flexibility.


Ayurvedic treatments for lifestyle disorders are successful, and they provide a ray of hope in a world beset by the difficulties of contemporary living. With its holistic approach and profound wisdom, Ayurveda reminds us that we have the power to reclaim our health, restore balance, and reconnect with our inner essence. It empowers us to take charge of our lives, make conscious choices, and create a harmonious symphony of mind, body, and spirit.

Let us embark on this path with determination and grace, knowing that by embracing Ayurveda’s remedies, we can transcend the limitations of lifestyle disorders and embrace a life filled with vitality, joy, and profound connection. Remember, the power to heal and transform lies within you!




Written by: GreenMedinfo Research Group
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2022

Move over apples. An avocado a day may be key to keeping the doctor away by fortifying your body with vital nutrients for your skin, brain and heart, while warding off obesity and other health conditions. Here are four benefits you can expect when you eat one avocado daily.

Sometimes the best things for your health are also the simplest. This is certainly the case with avocados. Eating just one of these tropical fruits, also known as alligator pears, daily may boost your skin and brain health, fight belly fat and more. Rich in vitamins E and B6, and packed with healthy fats, protein, carotenoids and fiber, enjoying avocados regularly supplies your body with nutrients many people are lacking. So while it can seem daunting to overhaul your lifestyle to get healthier, making small, meaningful changes can have a big impact. Here's what you can expect if you add an avocado to your daily menu.

4 Benefits of Eating an Avocado a Day

1. Firmer, More Elastic Skin

Although avocados are technically a fruit, they're more akin to vegetables from a nutritional standpoint. With an abundance of monounsaturated fatty acids, including oleic acid, and phytochemicals like lutein, zeaxanthin, phytosterols, vitamins E and A, niacin and folate, they're uniquely suited to supply your body with an abundance of healing nutrition.

"The natural combination of carotenoids, lutein, and zeaxanthin, along with the unsaturated fatty acids, provides a superior combination that increases the carotenoid absorbability. It has been demonstrated that these carotenoids have the ability to reach and concentrate at the skin," noted a team of researchers from the University of California Los Angeles and the David Geffen School of Medicine.

The team studied 39 overweight women between the ages of 27 and 73, who ate their regular diets with or without a daily avocado for eight weeks. At the end of the study, the avocado group had firmer, more elastic skin on their forehead compared to those who didn't eat the fruits.

It's possible the carotenoids in the avocado helped ward off skin aging by stimulating cells known as fibroblasts to make collagen and elastin, along with offering anti-inflammatory effects and providing protection against ultraviolet light.

2. Improved Cognitive Health

Avocados are an excellent source of lutein, a carotenoid that's well-known for its role in vision health, as it helps filter blue light and may also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Lutein concentrates in the macular area of the retina, and lutein levels in the retina are associated with lutein levels in the brain. Meanwhile, lutein concentrations in the brain are associated with positive measures of cognitive function.

A study of older adults tested the effects of avocado intake on cognition, with subjects consuming one avocado, one potato or one cup of chickpeas daily for six months. The avocado group increased their lutein levels by 25%. They also had increased macular pigment density (MPD), a biomarker for lutein levels in the brain, which was associated with improved working memory and better efficiency in approaching a problem.

The avocado group also enjoyed improved sustained attention, and the researchers concluded, "Dietary recommendations including avocados may be an effective strategy for cognitive health." It's interesting to note that a medium avocado contains only about 0.5 milligrams (mg) of lutein but was very effective at increasing lutein, perhaps because it's in such a bioavailable form.

The research team had previously tested lutein supplementation of a much higher dose (12 mg/day), but it increased MPD far less than the avocados:

"The avocado intervention increased MPD by more than double that of the supplement, with only a small fraction of the amount of lutein. This suggests that other components in avocado are particularly effective in the enrichment of neural lutein. The most likely components are monounsaturated fatty acids."

3. Less Belly Fat

Eating avocados is associated with lower abdominal obesity, less weight gain and reduced risk of being overweight or obese. Among 105 adults who ate a meal with a daily avocado or a similar meal without avocado for 12 weeks, women in the avocado group had a greater reduction in visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and the ratio of VAT to subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue, known as the VS ratio. This beneficial change could indicate a lower risk of related diseases:

"Relative to other adipose tissue depots, VAT accumulation, surrounding internal organs such as the liver, is associated with type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, inflammation, increased risk of thrombosis, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Therefore, the decrease in VS Ratio among treatment group participants suggests that avocado intake imparts a beneficial abdominal adiposity profile."

For reference, eating a daily avocado for 12 weeks led to an approximately 5% reduction in VAT among the women. A 26% reduction in VAT over 12 months has previously been linked to improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness, inflammation, lipid profiles and glucose tolerance.

"It is possible," the team said, "that maintaining the treatment regimen [eating an avocado a day] over the course of a longer period could have provided the necessary cumulative reduction in VAT to be clinically meaningful."

4. A Healthier Heart

Consuming a healthy diet with an avocado added daily for five weeks had a positive effect on markers of heart health, including decreased circulating oxidized LDL in overweight and obese adults.

High concentration of oxidized LDL is a risk factor for heart disease. Consuming an avocado a day was also linked to a reduction in small, dense LDL particles, which are susceptible to oxidation and also linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Over the five-week period, a daily avocado decreased plasma oxidized LDL by 8.8%, the study found, along with increasing plasma lutein concentrations. "We conclude that these benefits are due to the bioactive compounds present in avocados beyond their fatty acids," the team noted.

More Reasons to Eat Avocados

Avocados may benefit 46 diseases, from psoriasis and osteoarthritis to breast cancer and colitis. With 35 known pharmacological actions -- including antifungal, hypoglycemic and antiulcer properties, for instance -- avocados are one tasty treat you can feel good about indulging in.

Add them to your smoothies, eat them alongside eggs for breakfast or use them to make guacamole. No matter how you consume them, be sure this satisfying superfood makes a regular appearance on your menu.

About: The GMI Research Group (GMIRG) is dedicated to investigating the most important health and environmental issues of the day.  Special emphasis will be placed on environmental health.  Our focused and deep research will explore the many ways in which the present condition of the human body directly reflects the true state of the ambient environment.

The doctor of the future will be oneself.― Albert Schweitzer

By Aishwarya Patel

Hair loss is a common problem faced by many individuals, and finding an effective treatment can be challenging.

However, nature provides us with various remedies that have been used for centuries. Aaaaand - amla, coconut oil, and hibiscus are three natural ingredients known for their potential in promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss.

Amla: The Miracle Fruit Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is packed with essential nutrients like vitamin C, which stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen strengthens hair follicles and prevents breakage.

Additionally, amla contains antioxidants that help combat free radicals responsible for premature graying. Incorporating amla into your hair care routine can improve scalp health and promote thicker and healthier hair growth.

The Power of Coconut Oil: Coconut oil has long been recognized as a versatile ingredient in beauty treatments. When it comes to hair care, coconut oil works wonders due to its high content of lauric acid. Lauric acid has antimicrobial properties that protect the scalp from infections leading to hair loss.

Furthermore, coconut oil penetrates deep into the hair shafts, nourishing them from within and reducing protein loss.

Hibiscus: Nature's Hair Tonic Hibiscus flowers are not only visually appealing but also offer numerous benefits for maintaining healthy locks. Rich in amino acids and vitamins C and A, hibiscus promotes hair growth by stimulating blood circulation to the scalp. It also helps balance the pH level of the scalp, preventing excessive oiliness or dryness. Regular use of hibiscus can result in thicker, shinier, and more manageable hair.

Amla-Coconut Oil- Hibiscus Hair Mask

Combining these three natural ingredients can create a potent hair mask that revitalizes your locks. To prepare this mask, mix equal parts of amla powder, coconut oil, and crushed hibiscus petals into a smooth paste. Apply it generously to your scalp and hair, massaging gently for a few minutes. Leave the mask on for about 30 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. Regular usage can lead to noticeable improvements in hair texture and reduced hair loss.

Conclusion Incorporating amla, coconut oil, and hibiscus into your regular hair care routine can be an effective natural treatment for combating hair loss. These ingredients work synergistically to nourish the scalp, strengthen hair follicles, promote growth, and improve overall hair health. Embracing nature's gifts is not only sustainable but also provides long-lasting benefits for maintaining luscious locks.


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