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Your September Issue of Natural Alternatives
August 30, 2018

Natural Alternatives for Your Total Health

September 2018

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“The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” ~Hippocrates






Reclaiming Your Body’s Innate Guidance System :How to Listen to Your Bones and 5 More Wisdom Areas to Heal Trauma & Increase Intuition.
Reclaiming Your Power as an Empath : Discover 5 Steps to Transform Karmic Wounds, Detox Heavy Emotions & Set Healthy Boundaries.>Your Luminous Self : Discover Ancient Shamanic Practices to Activate Your Light Body for Healing, Vitality & Spiritual Awakening.
Liberating Practices to Enliven Your Full, Wild, Radiant Self: Discover Expressive, Subtle & Embodied Meditations for Women.


by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

For thousands of years, herbal medicine was the predominant form of health care on the planet. For many people, it still is. In our switch to modern medicine, much of that ancient wisdom was sadly lost, rejected as the superstition of primitive people. Recent research is proving, however, that our ancestors were smarter than they’ve been credited. It turns out that many of the benefits of traditional herbal remedies are being confirmed by modern science. People use and rely on alternative and complementary therapies more now than ever before.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA), a dietary supplement is defined as any product that is meant to supplement the diet. Dietary supplements are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Common supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, botanicals, amino acids, and other nutrients.Supplements are available without a prescription and come in a variety of forms such as tablets, capsules, liquids, and powders.

Who Can Benefit From Taking Supplements?

More than half of all Americans use dietary supplements.So who can benefit most from taking supplements? The short answer is that, at some point, just about everyone. However, there are certain groups of people who may find supplements to be of more critical importance.

Vegans & Vegetarians

Despite what meat lovers might tell you, you can easily meet all your daily nutritional requirements on an organic, plant-based diet. The one possible exception is vitamin B-12, as animal-based foods are the primary source of this vitamin. There are plenty of plant-based foods fortified with B-12, but I advise caution, as these foods tend to be heavily processed. A vegan B-12 supplement like VeganSafe B-12™ can help fill this gap.

Pregnant Women & Nursing Mothers

It’s no surprise that growing a human being inside your body increases your nutritional requirements. There’s a number of pregnancy-specific supplement blends on the market today, but a few of the main nutrients you should pay special attention to are folic acid, vitamin D, and iron.

Older Adults

As we age, hormonal changes make getting the right vitamins and minerals increasingly difficult. Bone loss becomes an issue, especially for women. Supplementing with vitamin D and calcium can help reduce the effects. Vitamin B-12 deficiency can leave seniors at risk for dementia. A quality B-12 supplement can provide the nutrition they need. Other good supplements for elders include omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and probiotics.

Those With Absorption Issues

Malabsorption is when your body can’t absorb nutrients properly. Certain medical conditions can cause or worsen malabsorption. Likewise, certain medications, including tetracycline, antacids, and obesity medications, can cause malabsorption. If you have digestive disorders, serious illness, harmful organisms, or are undergoing aggressive medical therapies, adding extra vitamins and minerals with supplements may help you reach your daily recommended requirements.

The Top 6 Dietary Supplements

So what are the best dietary supplements? That depends. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of dietary supplements, and each has its uses. The best supplements for you depends on your needs, lifestyle, and physiology. This is a general list of the supplements most people could benefit from based on observations I’ve made over the course of my career.

1. Calcium

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, making up nearly 2 percent of total body weight. Globally, a staggering 3.5 billion people are at risk for calcium deficiency. Many of these are among the elderly. As we age, we tend to lose bone mass. A calcium supplement may help make up the difference. I recommend IntraCal™, a formula that combines calcium orotate and magnesium orotate to ensure optimal absorption. 

2. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is involved in numerous physiological processes and is particularly important to your skeletal, immune, endocrine, and cardiovascular systems. Your body can produce this nutrient when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Unfortunately, our society spends more time indoors now than at any point in history. Complicating this is our over-reliance on sunscreen when we are outdoors.

We’re so worried about skin cancer that we’ve become overly vigilant against the sun, blocking out all exposure to sunshine and depleting our vitamin D levels. Some studies estimate that as many as 77 percent of Americans live with some form of vitamin D deficiency, most without even realizing it. According to the Harvard School of Health, one billion people worldwide have low levels of this nutrient. The best way to solve this is to spend more time outside in the sun, but failing that, a vitamin D supplement like Suntrex D3™ can help.

3. Iodine

Iodine deficiency is one of the most common health issues on the planet. According to the WHO, over two billion people worldwide are iodine deficient. Of these, as many as 50 million live with severe repercussions of iodine deficiency, such as brain damage. Iodine is crucial to the proper functioning of the thyroid and hormonal health. Overall, a quality iodine supplement can help you get the iodine you need.

4. Vitamin B-12

Do you feel sluggish and sleepy during the day? You may be one of the estimated two-fifths of Americans who live with a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Vitamin B-12 is required for healthy red blood cells, brain function, and DNA synthesis. A deficiency can cause anemia, fatigue, weakness, constipation, and loss of appetite. Left unchecked, it can lead to difficulty walking, poor balance, confusion, and, in extreme cases, dementia.

5. Probiotics

Your body, especially your gut, is home to colonies of beneficial bacteria. We call this your microbiota, and it can influence your health in significant ways. It helps support digestion and your immune system. A healthy microbiota can even affect mental health. It’s important to keep your good bacteria healthy or the bad ones might take over. A good probiotic supplementcan help keep your microbiota strong and your body in balance.

6. Weight Loss Supplements

More than any other supplement on this list, be cautious with weight loss supplements. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Weight loss doesn’t come from pills, it comes from hard work, willpower, and long-term lifestyle changes.

That said, there are some nutrients that, when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, can help a sluggish metabolism. These metabolism-boosting supplements can help give you an extra edge as part of an overall healthy lifestyle but will do absolutely nothing if you maintain bad eating habits and poor lifestyle choices.

How Safe Are Dietary Supplements?

In most cases, dietary supplements are safe when used as directed. However, it’s important to consult a trusted health care provider before starting any new supplement regimen.

Possible Side Effects

Some supplements can have strong effects on the body. While normally beneficial, these effects may interact with medicines in unexpected ways.

For example, vitamin K helps blood clot. As a direct result, it will reduce the efficacy of blood thinners. That’s not to say vitamin K is dangerous, it just fills a specific purpose. If you’re prone to excessive bleeding, vitamin K can be very useful, but it’s much less so if you’re trying to thin your blood.

Vitamin K is just one example. Every supplement has potential side effects depending on serving size, your physiology, and interactions with any other herbs and medicines in your system. Be extra cautious about taking supplements if you are pregnant or nursing, and never start a child on supplements without professional approval.


In the vast majority of cases, toxicity only occurs when supplements are used recklessly.Never exceed the recommended serving size. While excess amounts of some supplements, like vitamin C, will simply flush out of your system, others can build up to hazardous levels. For example, your body has no means of ridding itself of excess iron, and an overdose can lead to potentially fatal iron toxicity.

Natural vs. Synthetic

Be aware of the difference between synthetic and natural supplements. Each is exactly what it sounds like. Natural supplements are made using ingredients drawn straight from natural and plant-based sources. Synthetic supplements are manufactured with lab-made ingredients and chemicals. They are made to mimic the effect of natural vitamins but generally don’t perform as well in the human body.

How to Ensure Quality

When buying a supplement, safety and quality should be high on your list of criteria. So how can you make sure that the supplement you buy will deliver? There are a couple of ways to verify quality before you buy.


Only buy supplements from a respected company. Look for a company that has been around at least a few years. Does the company offer a money-back guarantee if you’re unsatisfied? An organization that has confidence in its products won’t hesitate to stand behind them.


Online reviews have taken a lot of the trial and error out of shopping for supplements. Chances are, someone, or sometimes hundreds of someones, used that supplement and wrote about their experience. Customers aren’t shy about voicing their displeasure with any substandard product. If the company doesn’t provide reviews, that’s a big red flag.

Read the reviews on the supplement company’s own site, as well as third-party sites like natural health blogs. Once you’ve used a product, pay it forward and leave a review of your own to help others.

Transparency in Sourcing

Where do the ingredients in your supplements come from? How are they processed? Supplements from shady companies tend to be bulk-harvested and processed with very little quality control, resulting in poor quality supplements. In worst case scenarios, bad manufacturing practices can turn supplements into poison. The FDA routinely investigates supplement producers for selling contaminated products.

Read the supplement company’s website. Are they clear about sourcing and manufacturing? If not, call their customer service and ask. If they don’t make it easy to contact them, that’s another big red flag.

Look for responsibly-sourced, GMO-free ingredients. Do they test all ingredients to verify purity and screen for mold or other toxins? Are the products made in America? Make sure the manufacturing facility is FDA registered and follows Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Read the Label

The nutritional information on a supplement label is typically divided into two sections—active ingredients and other ingredients. Active ingredients are what supports your health. Other ingredients are the inactive parts of a supplement. This often includes dyes, fillers, flavors, additives, and anti-caking agents. Not all other ingredients are bad, but a good rule of thumb is the fewer, the better.

Supplements Are the Spackle in the House of Good Health

No supplement is a substitute for a healthy diet. A well-designed meal plan with a balance of essential nutrients will do more good than all the pills, powders, tablets, and capsules in the world. What supplements can do is fill the gaps in that plan. Think of a balanced diet as the foundation of the house of good health. Supplements are the spackle that fills any gaps, cracks, and holes. Just remember that you can’t build a house out of spackle.

Along with a healthy diet, you need regular exercise, effective stress management, plenty of rest, and a positive mental outlook. Supplements won’t work miracles, but they are one tool you can use to achieve a happy, healthy life.

What supplements are most important to you? Leave a comment below and share your experience with us.

For more information about the above mentioned, high quality dietary supplements visit :

by Dr. Mercola

Very quickly gaining in popularity in the U.S. as an “incredibly healthy” herb with centuries-old medicinal qualities, ashwagandha has a long list of attributes to its credit. One of the best known is its use as an adaptogen, meaning that it helps you manage stress.

Ashwagandha is translated in Sanskrit as “smell of the horse,” possibly as a double meaning: the herb exudes the peculiar odor of a horse, and it’s also known for its ability to increase strength and promote health when used regularly.

Other names include winter cherry and Indian ginseng, along with its botanical moniker Withania somnifera. Originating in the region of Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka, ashwagandha has been used by East Indian cultures for thousands of years, based on the 3,000-year-old alternative East Indian medicine known as Ayurveda.

It’s only been in the last 50 years that this member of the nightshade family of plants (Solanaceae) has emerged in the West as a potent healing herb, with growing popularity.

Actual Asian ginseng (botanical name Panax ginseng), also an adaptagenic herb, is one of the most sought-after herbal supplements in the U.S. and has several things in common with ashwagandha.

Besides easing fatigue in cancer patients and improving Alzheimer’s, they share a similar effect on infertility and emotional disorders.

Perhaps less well known and not quite as powerful as ginseng, ashwagandha currently sells for $12 to $15 per pound, while ginseng can sometimes go for $100 for the same amount. Nevertheless, ashwagandha has its following of people who value it for its many health advantages.

Originating in India and Northern Africa, the ashwagandha plant is a small shrub bearing small yellow flowers and teardrop-shaped leaves. It’s the leaves that hold the key to the health benefits. Dried and reduced to a powder, compounds called withanolides are possibly the most active ingredients.

Ashwagandha Shown to Fight Many Types of Cancer

Ashwagandha trials have demonstrated numerous and dramatic healing properties for many diseases and presented encouraging prospects in others. Possibly, its most zealously tested benefits are in regard to its ability to combat inflammation and tumor growth.

In one animal study “using chemically induced and oncogene-driven rodent cancer models,” new cancer cell growth was inhibited:

“The plants used in Ayurvedic medicine, which has been practiced in India for thousands of years for the treatment of a variety of disorders, are rich in chemicals potentially useful for prevention and treatment of cancer. Withania somnifera (commonly known as ashwagandha in Ayurvedic medicine) is one such medicinal plant whose anticancer value was realized over four decades ago after isolation of a crystalline steroidal compound (withaferin A) from the leaves of this shrub.”

Cancer cell apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is one of the ways ashwagandha is thought to exert cancer-resistant effects. It may also have an ability to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) to kill cancer cells without harming normal cells.

Researchers concluded after trials that ashwagandha may be valuable for combating lung, breast, colon, and a particularly aggressive brain cancer called glioblastoma multiforme, or GBM.

In another study, mice with ovarian tumors were treated with ashwagandha in combination with an anticancer drug. Besides reporting a 70 percent to 80 percent decrease in tumor growth, metastasis, or the spread of tumor cell growth, was also obstructed.

Ashwagandha Affects Insulin, Blood Sugar Levels and Inflammation

One valuable use for this herb is in relation to lowering blood sugar levels, as evidenced by a study showing its dual actions of increasing insulin secretion along with muscle cell sensitivity.

In trials on people with schizophrenia, scientists found subjects to have reduced fasting blood sugar after four weeks. Similar results were recorded in another assessment, which showed effectiveness comparable to an oral diabetes drug.

Chronic inflammation threatens individuals suffering from diabetes, as well as heart disease, obesity and cancer. The best defense against inflammation and the pain associated with it is in your diet, as multiple studies have demonstrated.

Ashwagandha can be added to the many healing herbs and spices shown to improve this condition.

Oxidative stress has been described as “an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to counteract or detoxify their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants.”

Ashwagandha has exhibited reduced oxidative stress and inflammation in multiple studies and may be helpful for arthritis symptoms, as well.

Ashwagandha Can Help Decrease Depression, Stress, Anxiety and Insomnia

There’s no denying that the rest of your body reacts to stress. One of the attributes of ashwagandha is its ability to induce calmness and clarity by regulating neurotransmitters such as serotonin and the stress hormone cortisol.

Your adrenal glands release cortisol when your blood sugar level drops too low and also when you’re stressed. When cortisol levels get too high, it can wreak havoc on your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, your hormone balance, immune system, and may even increase fat storage.

The good news is research has shown that consuming ashwagandha may not only reduce cortisol levels but also, as an adaptagen, can “substantially” reduce chronic stress to help your body adapt to and alleviate the stomach-churning anxiety stress can cause.

In one interesting study, anxiety test scores among 75 participants with moderate to severe anxiety were placed in two groups. Those treated with ashwagandha were shown to have “significantly decreased” symptoms as opposed to those undergoing more conventional interventions.

Another review was undertaken to seek evidence of ashwagandha use in regard to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an inhibitory neurotransmitter significantly involved in regulating physiological and psychological processes signaling:

“Our results provide evidence indicating that key constituents in WS [ashwagandha] may have an important role in the development of pharmacological treatments for neurological disorders associated with GABAergic signaling dysfunction such as general anxiety disorders, sleep disturbances, muscle spasms, and seizures.”

Research indicates there’s a likelihood that ashwagandha may be useful for helping patients in opioid withdrawal as well as reducing or eliminating dependence on benzodiazapene drugs.

Infertility Alleviated, Muscle Strength Increased by Compounds in Ashwagandha

Stress can cause many seemingly unrelated ailments and conditions, including infertility — or perhaps the infertility causes the stress. In one study, ashwagandha supplements were given to 120 infertile men, while placebos were given to another 60 men classified as fertile.

“Treatment resulted in a decrease in stress, improved the level of antioxidants and improved overall semen quality in a significant number of individuals. The treatment resulted in pregnancy in the partners of 14 percent of the patients.”

Researchers also found that groups treated with this Indian herb showed dramatically increased muscle strength and muscle mass, as well muscle recovery after injury in several different bench press exercises after being treated with ashwagandha supplements for eight weeks.

Further, participants taking ashwagandha in that study experienced more than double the percentage of body fat loss in comparison to those taking placebos. Interestingly, ashwagandha is also used in Ayurveda to stimulate libido in women, soothe painful periods and strengthen the uteruses of those who’ve had miscarriages.

Learning, Memory, Improvement of Neurodegenerative Diseases and More

One of the traditional uses for this herb was to improve memory and sharpen brain function, the age of the individual notwithstanding. That continues to hold true:

“In modern research, ashwagandha has been found to boost an important antioxidant in the brain called glutathione. Glutathione is an essential component for cell development, enzymatic activity, and for clearing toxins from the body.”

Numerous studies indicate there’s also hope for patients suffering from devastating disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and Parkinson’s disease. Scientists believe this ability comes through inhibited amyloid plaque that forms on the brain. It may also be useful for a neurological disorder called restless leg syndrome.

In people with underactive thyroid, in which the thyroid gland fails to produce the hormones needed, ashwagandha extracts have been found to significantly increase the hormone levels of patients with hypothyroidism. Scientists believe that, taken over time, this herb may also help with adrenal gland imbalances.

Natural Medicine — Much More in Line With Your Best Health Interests

Finding a plant that has as many uses as ashwagandha in regard to healing your body and mind makes it all the more clear that natural and alternative health care is so much more effective and less threatening to your body than what is pushed through today’s conventional medical practices.

In spite of many medical associations’ claims, natural medicine is one way you can take control of your health. Arm yourself with the facts about disease, what causes it and how to prevent it, rather than caving to the current medication-driven forum for “treating” disease and “managing” illness.



Refined sugar is unbelievably addictive. Professor Bart Hoebel of Princeton Universityfound that “sugar stimulates receptors to activate the same pathways that are stimulated directly by drugs such as heroin or morphine.” Hoebel’s study published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs stated that ‘sugar addiction” follows the same pathways in the brain that a habit-forming drug does.

Sugar addiction is a difficult habit to break for many people, especially when the body and digestive tract become so overrun with yeast, candida, parasites and other sugar-loving bacteria that were not eating sugar triggers intense withdrawal symptoms. Fortunately, you can beat sugar addiction using natural tools such as peppermint essential oil.

Alan Hirsch MD studied peppermint’s ability to directly affect the brain’s satiety center, which triggers a sensation of fullness after meals. He found that inhaling peppermint can directly affect your brain’s satiety center, the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus.

Peppermint Essential Oil

The peppermint plant is a hybrid of watermint and spearmint and was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. A high menthol content distinguishes the best quality Peppermint from other products.

Frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral health, Peppermint also helps to alleviate occasional stomach upset and promotes healthy respiratory function.* Peppermint continues to be one of the best-selling favorites among essential oils.

You can also use a diffuser and inhale deeply as cravings come on. Applying peppermint essential oil to the feet also helps.

* Apply several drops (2-4) with a carrier on location, abdomen, and temples.
* Mix 2 drops of coconut oil with 2 drops of peppermint essential oil. Apply the mixture down the inside center of your wrists.  Do it every morning and evening.
* Directly inhale or Diffuse (where to find)

Uses of Peppermint Essential Oil

* Rub on temples after you wake up for a morning energy boost.
* Diffuse when feeling fatigued or low on energy.
* Take one to two drops in a Veggie Capsule to alleviate occasional stomach upset.*
* Promotes digestive health.*
* Place one drop in your mouth to help freshen breath.
* Add two to three drops to your favorite smoothie recipe for a refreshing twist.
* Place one drop in the palm of the hand with one drop Wild Orange and one drop Frankincense and inhale for a mid-day pick-me-up.
* Help reduce bloating, gas, and occasional indigestion.*
* Promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing.*
* Commonly found in oral health products.




I am excited to invite you to check out the following online events:

Reclaiming Your Body’s Innate Guidance System :How to Listen to Your Bones and 5 More Wisdom Areas to Heal Trauma & Increase Intuition.
Reclaiming Your Power as an Empath : Discover 5 Steps to Transform Karmic Wounds, Detox Heavy Emotions & Set Healthy Boundaries.>Your Luminous Self : Discover Ancient Shamanic Practices to Activate Your Light Body for Healing, Vitality & Spiritual Awakening.
Liberating Practices to Enliven Your Full, Wild, Radiant Self: Discover Expressive, Subtle & Embodied Meditations for Women.
You can sign up even when the event is over or you are not able to attend. You will get access to the recording.

To check out the latest online events please go here

Please visit the Health Store for organic health foods, vitamins, supplements, beauty products and more.


Thank you for reading.

Brampton, Ontario, Canada

P.S. If you have a comment or suggestion, just reply to this e-mail. Your feedback is important to me.



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This newsletter is for educational purposes only. It is your right to educate yourself in health and medical knowledge, to seek helpful information and make use of it for your own benefit, and for that of your family. You are the one responsible for your health. You must educate yourself in order to make decisions in all health matters. My views and advises are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medicine, but simply a help you to make educated changes in order to help your body heal itself. If you have a medical condition or concern you should consult your physician.

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