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Your June Issue of Natural Alternatives
June 02, 2022

Natural Alternatives for Your Total Health

June 2022

Hello, and welcome to this edition edition of my Natural Alternatives Newsletter!

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“The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” ~Hippocrates









Homeopathy is an alternative medicine system compared to allopathy and ayurveda on a high notch. As the claims are factual but are incompatible with scientific method the system is considered to be pseudoscientific.

After the emergence of ayurvedic medicine and some evidence of conventional medicine homeopathy came into existence around 1796. The originator of homeopathy is Samuel Hahnemann who worked hard for years to prove homeopathy.

The Concept of Homeopathy

Hahnemann never believed in modern medicines as he found it irrational and inadvisable as he found them ineffective and often harmful. He believed that it is not necessary to use an abundance of drugs to cure the disease as he believed that the use of a single drug can cure a variety of diseases that creates similar symptoms in a healthy and sick person.

He promoted an immaterial, vitalistic view of how living organisms function by using single drugs at lower doses. He was willing to prove that if cinchona can cure malaria because it was bitter then even other medicinal substances can cure and heal a variety of diseases. He once consumed some barks specifically to look out what happens.

After some time he experienced shiver, fever and joint pains that made him believe that it is possible to produce the symptoms in healthy individuals similar to those of the disease that they treat. The patients of homeopathy were well satisfied with the outcomes of homeopaths. Homeopathy achieved its greatest popularity in the 19th century after it was introduced to the United States. During its rise and popularity, it was highly criticized by scientists and physicians due to the lack of evidence.

But then too, dozens of homeopathic institutes were introduced worldwide in the 19th century that helped practitioners to gain all the theoretical and practical knowledge and at the end provide a BHMS degree to the practitioners.

Consultation and Preparation

The first step of homeopathy is a proper consultation. It may last for ten to fifteen minutes or can be consulted upto an hour in which every medical history of the patient is thoroughly verified and a consultation regarding your likes, dislikes, emotions, physical and mental health everything is solicited properly.

The information is gathered and matched to the drug picture that is then used to determine the appropriate homeopathic remedies. In classical homeopathy the practitioners attempt to match a single preparation to all the symptoms of the illness.

The preparation of homeopathy uses animals, plants and mineral substances including arsenic oxide, table salt and other things that ensures the accuracy of homeopathy.

The small white homeopathic pills are made of inert substance that can be typically lactose and often sugar upon which some drops of dilution are placed and are allowed to evaporate.

A variety of dilutions are prepared from the ingredients extracted from mineral and natural substances that are then used to heal the disorder by adding them in a glass of water or by pouring them on the pills and powder that are to be consumed as prescribed by the physician. They are usually lesser in dosage with three to four small white pills taken twice or thrice a day.

Homeopaths claim they can determine the properties of their preparations by a method called provings. Their provings involve administering various preparations on a healthy volunteer. They were provided with certain consumables and observed for months at a time.

They recorded all the details of their symptoms that occurred throughout the day in a journal. They were restricted from consuming spices, tea, coffee or wine and playing chess was also prohibited as it was considered too exciting. All these things helped homeopathy to claim their provings right.

If we look at the healing power of homeopathy then they are much higher than we think. Like other medication methods even homeopathy has the ability to treat a number of diseases. It includes treatment for acne, anxiety, depression, homeopathic treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and many more other chronic and acute diseases. As they are harmless and environment-friendly they are becoming popular among the consumers.

Effectiveness of Homeopathy

The homeopathic remedies are considered to be one of the highly effective natural remedies that don’t have any adverse effect on the body.

No toxic or addictive ingredients are used in preparing the medicines and the homeopaths do not use any harsh method to cure the disorders. You don’t require any strict diet plan or meditation and exercise while treating yourself with the homeopathic pills.

They have certain features that make them an effective method of treating your symptoms.

* The first and most important thing is that they are natural. This feature is making it immensely popular among the youths and seniors as well.
* It is suitable for all age groups that can be a teenager, an adult or a senior citizen.
* Another thing is that it does not have any after effects such as swelling, rashes or allergies on the body.
* Homeopaths solicit each and every symptom in depth and then they accordingly provide the treatment for illness.
* The medicines are non-addictive and are made from only natural substances and do not even use toxic ingredients.
* They are easy to take and less in dosage. The medicines are available in different forms that can be in liquid, powder, tablet or pills form.
* Homeopathy is used worldwide and the remedies are easily available in every country so that you can take the treatment anywhere.
* They are not harmful to nature as they don’t include any substances that are harmful to the environment.


The only thing that makes homeopathy popular among the consumers is that it is sweet in taste and lesser in dose. The concept even doesn’t believe in surgeries and tries to cure the disease by finding the root cause of the illness. The concept believes that the human body has the ability to heal the disorder along with the passage of time. You will never get disappointed once you choose homeopathy. Therefore you can choose it without any doubt.
Source: team




By Josey Murray

If you know anything about vitamin A, it's probably that you can get your fix by eating carrots and that the nutrient is good for your eyes.* Thing is, there's actually a lot more to this vitamin than meets the, well, eye.

In addition to keeping your peepers in tiptop shape, vitamin A also helps your immune system function at its best and keeps cells growing and developing as they should (and that's not all, either).

So, what else do you need to know? Consider this your crash course in all things vitamin A—from the different roles it plays throughout the body and the resulting benefits to what's at stake with deficiency, to how you can make sure you're not falling short.

What is vitamin A?

"'Vitamin A' is a generic term that refers to fat-soluble compounds found as preformed vitamin A (aka retinol) and as provitamin A carotenoids in fruit and vegetables," says Victoria J. Drake, Ph.D., manager of the Micronutrient Information Center at Oregon State University. (Heard of beta-carotene? That's arguably the most important provitamin A carotenoid you'll find in fruits and veggies.)

When we consume these various compounds, our body converts them into whatever form of vitamin A it needs and can use, adds Adrian F. Gombart, Ph.D., a professor of biochemistry at Oregon State University's Linus Pauling Institute. When you eat carrots, which contain beta-carotene, for example, your body converts that beta-carotene to retinol. Depending on where in the body vitamin A is needed, your body can also convert retinol further into retinol or retinoic acid, which bind to receptors to regulate gene expression, he explains.

Clearly, there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes in order for your body to put the various forms of vitamin A you consume to work. When you consume retinol-containing animal foods, for example, the animal basically did one step of the process for you by converting the carotenoids they consumed from plants into that retinol form, notes Drake.

And when you consume carotenoids from plants, you gain the unique antioxidant attributes of beta-carotene, which is a phytonutrient (aka, plant nutrient).*

The benefits of vitamin A.

The compounds we know as vitamin A contribute to a range of functions throughout the body. From the regulation of gene expression to the proper eye function to red blood cell production, the nutrient does an A+ job at keeping our bodies in working order.* It's also critical for embryonic and fetal organ development, Gombart adds.* Here's the lowdown on a few of its most important perks:

1. Immune function

An adequate intake of vitamin A contributes to the normal functioning of the immune system by supporting the integrity of the mucosal epithelium (a protective membrane that lines various organs).*

Research shows that when there's inadequate vitamin A, the integrity of this lining is suboptimal, affecting barrier function of the respiratory tract, digestive tract, and eyes against possible invaders or compounds we don't want to cross these barriers.* This is relevant since 45% of adults fall short on the nutrient.

2. Eye health

You surely learned early in life that beta-carotene-rich carrots are good for your eyes. Indeed, vitamin A is necessary for proper eyesight and needed in the rod cells found in the retina, which allow us to see in low light and even detect motion,* says Alexander Michels, Ph.D., a research associate at Oregon State University's Linus Pauling Institute. Without proper intake of it, one's eyesight can be significantly affected.

 Maintaining ample vitamin A intake has, unsurprisingly, been linked with vision support via long-term eye health.

3. Healthy skin

Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for skin as it acts as an antioxidant and supports the process through which the skin regenerates.

Its most famous skin-healthy version is actually topical: retinol, a vitamin A derivative. When applied to the epidermis, it promotes skin cell turnover, evenness, smoothness, and vitality.

4. Reproduction & growth

Scientific literature has long acknowledged the importance of vitamin A for reproduction—and researchers now know that the retinoic acid form of vitamin A, in particular, plays a role in both male and female reproductive health, as well as in the normal development of embryos.

What's at stake with vitamin A insufficiency?

Because vitamin A is key to many essential functions in the body, inadequate intake of this nutrient can have a variety of impacts. One of the most notable, according to Michels, is undesirable changes in vision, particularly at night. Suboptimal thyroid function and changes in skin may also occur.

Furthermore, vitamin A deficiency also affects the immune system. Michels notes that vitamin A deficiency, particularly in children, has been linked to higher susceptibility to outside invaders, like viruses. In fact, partially for this reason, the World Health Organization has identified vitamin A deficiency as a notable public health problem in many parts of the world.

Sources of vitamin A.

Plant sources of vitamin A are easy to spot because the carotenoids (like beta-carotene) in them give them distinct yellow and orange hues. Keep an eye out for these colors of the rainbow the next time you're in the produce section, and you'll see clear as day which fruits and vegetables will help you up your intake. Some of your many options include sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe, and mango.

Green leafy vegetables—think broccoli, kale, spinach, and collards—also contain these carotenoids. However, the large amounts of chlorophyll, which gives these plants their green color, keeps those carotenoids from visibly shining through.

The ultimate (i.e., most concentrated) source of vitamin A, though, comes from an animal source—and one you may not be super-stoked to eat: beef liver.

Of course, you can also get your fair share of vitamin A from supplements; most quality multivitamin formulas include it in the mix. Though different supplements may contain different forms of the vitamin, many contain both retinol and beta-carotene, for synergy reasons and to provide your body with both sources.

Also, vitamin A is fat- soluble and thus can store in fat tissue when consumed in very large amounts over time. Toxicity can be a concern with the retinol form (but not beta-carotene).

Vitamin A concerns.

Wait, what's this about retinol (or preformed vitamin A) toxicity? Yes, there is such thing as too much vitamin A, when you're getting it from animal sources and retinol-containing supplements. Since the body can regulate how much retinol it produces from carotenoids you consume, you don't have to worry about overdoing it on plant foods that contain the vitamin.

Given that, it is important to be aware of how much preformed vitamin A (aka, retinol) you are ingesting. Specifically, 900 micrograms RAE (retinol activity equivalents) per day for adults is a healthy level to support sufficiency of this essential nutrient.

Excess retinol is considered a high dose of 3,000 mcg or above (i.e., the Tolerable Upper Intake Level). Above this level, especially if you are pregnant, there can be concerns related to normal development of the fetus.

The takeaway.

Fat-soluble vitamin A is an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of various systems throughout the body. To keep our immune systems strong, our eyes seeing clearly, and more, it's crucial that we consume ample amounts of this vitamin.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or taking medications, consult with your doctor before starting a supplement routine. It is always optimal to consult with a health care provider when considering what supplements are right for you.

About the Author: Josey Murraymbg Contributing Writer Josey Murray is a freelance writer focused on inclusive wellness, joyful movement, mental health, and the like. A graduate of Wellesley College, where she studied English and Creative...

By Hannah Frye

The term superfood has become so popular, you might wonder what makes a food "super" in the first place? Admittedly, when it comes to whole, nutrient-dense foods, they're all a little "super" in their own way. Some are exceptionally high in vitamins and minerals, while others are plant-based protein powerhouses. And many tick both of those boxes!

You can also categorize these foods based on a specific nutrition goal you have in mind. Take, for example, superfoods for energy balance: We spoke with Ari Whitten, energy specialist and author of Eat for Energy, on a recent episode of the mindbodygreen podcast to find out exactly what foods fall into this group. While he gave us seven different foods that fuel energy levels, he declared his all-time favorite with zero hesitation: spirulina. 

Why spirulina is a top pick food for sustaining energy levels. 

You may have seen spirulina in powder form or blended up into smoothies (especially those with a gorgeous dark green or bright blue hue). This sea vegetable comes from a type of bacteria called cyanobacterium, which is often referred to as blue-green algae. According to Whitten, "Spirulina is No. 1 on the list," when naming the best foods for your energy levels.

This plant is chock-full of essential vitamins and minerals. In just 1 tablespoon of spirulina, there's 11% of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin B1 (thiamin), 15% of the RDA of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), 21% of the RDA of copper, and 11% of the RDA of iron. 

Not to mention, there's been significant research on spirulina's role in performance, specifically physical activity and energy levels. This makes sense, given that spirulina also contains significant amounts of magnesium (which supports muscle and nerve function) and potassium (which aids in muscle contraction).*

Spirulina is also an incredible source of plant-based protein—it's between 55 and 70% protein, in fact. This algae is a particularly great addition to a vegan diet because it's high in vitamin B12, which tends to be harder to find in vegan dishes. A lack of B12 can result in a dip in energy levels, so it's essential for everyone to get their fill.*

Now, spirulina is certainly powerful but has an equally strong flavor. It's great to add to smoothies, but pure spirulina powder can be difficult to incorporate into other meals because of the potent flavor. That's why we included it in our organic veggies+ powder, mixed in with other powerful greens, roots, and pre- and probiotics to leave a more gentle taste. You can sprinkle this powder over just about anything—roasted vegetables, salads, pasta dishes, or even mix it into desserts to add some invisible nutrients. 

The takeaway. 

Superfoods are all "super" for different reasons. Spirulina earns a spot in this lineup, thanks to its ability to provide plant-based protein, offer tons of vitamins and minerals, and support energy levels.

About the author: Hannah Frye is the Assistant Beauty Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a B.S. in journalism and a minor in women’s, gender, and queer studies from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Hannah has written across lifestyle sections including health, wellness, sustainability, personal development, and more. She previously interned for Almost 30, a top-rated health and wellness podcast. In her current role, Hannah reports on the latest beauty trends, holistic skincare approaches, must-have makeup products, and inclusivity in the beauty industry. She currently lives in New York City.


I am excited to invite you to check out the following online events:

You can sign up even when the event is over or you are not able to attend. You will get access to the recording.

Somatic Movement Summit : June 6–10, 2022 ; Through a variety of somatics modalities including Hanna SomaticsTM, Feldenkrais®, Body-Mind Centering®, Biodynamic Osteopathy, Continuum Montage, DancemeditationTM, Dynamic EmbodimentTM, Alexander TechniqueTM, and somatic psychology, you can practice alchemizing sensory overload, and embody a more grounded, balanced, way of living.

Following the Map of the Chakras to Create a Life & World You Love: The chakra system serves as a map that can help us navigate through uncertainty — providing a profound formula for wholeness, a blueprint for manifestation, and a template for transformation. Anodea Judith will share how to use the chakra system as a profound map for your transformational journey.

Identify Your Current Metabolic Energy to Determine the Best Healing Herbs for You: An Ayurvedic Path to Prepare Your Body & Mind for Sustained Spiritual Health: World-renowned herbalist K.P. Khalsa will help you understand how doshas connect to Ayurvedic herbs — and how you can use them to heal from dis-ease, expand your mind, and propel your spiritual journey

 Balancing Life’s Chaos With Qigong: 18 Ancient Wuji Hundun Movements for More Productivity, Greater Optimism & Better Health :On Tuesday, June 14, Daisy Lee, the founder of Radiant Lotus Qigong, will demonstrate a few of the 18 key movements used in the ancient healing modality of Wuji Hundun Qigong. These 18 movements are specifically designed for you to find, restore, and maintain your balance in the midst of outer turbulence.

Ceremonial Magic With Sacred Mushrooms: Discover Your Soul Language Through the Emotional Alchemy of Nature’s 4 Elements, Eugenia will share her life’s purpose of welcoming you into the healing resonance of sacred mushrooms.

Tune Yourself: Experience the Miraculous Healing Power of Tuning Forks for Body, Mind & Spirit :On Thursday, June 9, Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, will share fascinating insights on creating neural coherence with Biosonic BodyTuners™ (C and G). When you experience coherence, it means that everything is working together — the heart, mind, and emotions — which alters your physiology. Dr. John will also introduce the Otto128™, a powerful tool used directly on the body to help align your physical structure — resonating within the bones, stimulating the nerves, and releasing tension from the body

Supercharge Your Chakra Practice: How to Heal Your Energy Centers & Unleash the Full Power of Your Life Force.

For more information and to check out other upcoming courses and events go here. New programs are added frequently.



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This newsletter is for educational purposes only. It is your right to educate yourself in health and medical knowledge, to seek helpful information and make use of it for your own benefit, and for that of your family. You are the one responsible for your health. You must educate yourself in order to make decisions in all health matters. My views and advises are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medicine, but simply a help you to make educated changes in order to help your body heal itself. If you have a medical condition or concern you should consult your physician.

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