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Your February Issue of Natural Alternatives
February 01, 2021

Natural Alternatives for Your Total Health

February 2021

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“The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.” ~Hippocrates









The power of Tai Chi begins with stillness.

To stand still is to broaden your view of the world. As you breathe slowly, you learn to appreciate life as it comes — without memory or expectation.

As your body releases tense, anxious patterns, your mind becomes quiet. The Qi flows not only within your body, but between you and Nature.

Ken Cohen, Tai Chi and Qigong Grandmaster and founder of the Qigong Research & Practice Center, will guide you to explore the four hidden energies found throughout the Tai Chi form.

 Explore the 4 Hidden Energies of Tai Chi for Unwavering Balance. Discover an Ancient Movement Practice for Immunity, Stress Relief & Deep Relaxation.

This is a 60-minute free Tai Chi online event, and you can sign up here

You will:

* Explore the many benefits of Tai Chi — including better balance, boosted immunity, increased power to cope with stress, deeper levels of relaxation, and much more
* Discover the differences between Tai Chi and Qigong — and how Tai Chi guides you to ask, How can I utilize my body’s entire healing system?
* Improve your Tai Chi practice by correcting common mistakes that even longtime practitioners make
* Move through a completely new guided movement practice — one movement that incorporates all of the principles of the entire Tai Chi form as you transition from stillness into motion.

As you’ll discover, Tai Chi is a healing art that works on the entire system at once. It resets your whole being — moving the out-of-balance elements back into place.Ken will help you discern exactly where you are holding tension in your body, so you can let it go, freeing yourself to cultivate stillness.

In Explore the 4 Hidden Energies of Tai Chi for Unwavering Balance: Discover an Ancient Movement Practice for Immunity, Stress Relief & Deep Relaxation, you’ll experience a Tai Chi sequence that takes you from stillness to motion — so you can release tension, calm your mind, reconnect with the natural world, and cultivate joy.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled… however, if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.  

You can RSVP for free here

by Ocean Robbins

Vitamin C may be most commonly associated with oranges, but there is much more to the vitamin C story. Here’s what you need to know about vitamin C and what it does for your immune system.

Worried about getting a cold or the flu? For many of us, the knee-jerk action is to take a big dose of daily vitamin C. For many years, C has been the vitamin with the biggest marketing budget (thanks in part to the citrus industry). Now with many of us trying to figure out how to eat to best support our immune systems, let’s separate fact from speculation. Can vitamin C really help to prevent colds, flus, and other viral infections? How does vitamin C work in the immune system, and is it worth considering taking a daily vitamin C supplement? And if so, which ones are best?

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin and a powerful antioxidant. Unlike fat-soluble vitamins like A and E, water-soluble vitamins aren’t stored in the body. Whatever you don’t use today is excreted through urine, so no matter how much you take today, you need to get more tomorrow and every day after that.

While most animals can synthesize their own vitamin C, humans cannot. Other exceptions include apes and other primates, guinea pigs, fruit-eating bats, insects, fish, certain reptiles, and some bird species. Since we can’t make it, and it’s critical for our health, we must eat food that contains vitamin C. This, plus the fact that vitamin C is the least stable vitamin, is why it’s an essential nutrient to eat (or supplement).

Benefits of Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a number of benefits and uses in human health.Antioxidant

As a potent antioxidant, vitamin C reduces oxidative stress in your body. Extensive research shows that diets rich in daily vitamin C are associated with a lower risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, certain cancers, eye diseases, and neurodegenerative conditions that affect cognitive health. Vitamin C can also regenerate other antioxidants, such as vitamin E, by lowering free radicals formed when vitamin E scavenges oxygen radicals.

White Blood Cells

Vitamin C may also help to promote the production and protection of white blood cells, which help your body fight off infections.

Skin Health

Vitamin C is part of your external defense system as well, as it plays a primary role in the health and integrity of your skin. This is because daily vitamin C is needed to produce collagen, the most abundant protein in your body’s connective tissue. It helps strengthen your skin’s barriers, which is important to fight the spread of viruses as well as protect your skin with all of the hand-washing you’re doing. (You are washing your hands a lot, right?)

Iron Absorption

Vitamin C boosts iron absorption, which can help prevent iron deficiency. For instance, eating a combination of tomatoes and lentils, or tomatoes and beans, at the same time, can enhance how much iron you absorb. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that adding 100 mg of vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) to meals boosted iron absorption by 67%.

Chronic Disease Prevention

Studies have found vitamin C to play a role in preventing heart disease, primarily by managing blood pressure. It’s also protective against oxidative stress in the brain, especially when it comes to diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Your eyes can benefit from daily vitamin C too, which may even help slow age-related diseases like cataracts. It may also help improve fertility in men, primarily by improving sperm quality.

How Much Daily Vitamin C Do You Need?

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of vitamin C varies between 15 mg-120 mg per day. Pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly, should aim for the upper end of that range. The average adult requires 75-90 mg of daily vitamin C, which you can easily obtain from a healthy, plant-centered diet. For reference, one large orange contains approximately 100 mg of vitamin C. Truth in advertising from the Florida Department of Citrus!

When you consume vitamin C in moderate amounts (say, 30-180 mg per day), your body absorbs around 70-90% of it. When you start taking more than 1,000 mg per day (nearly impossible to do without supplementation), absorption rates decrease to less than 50%. Leftover vitamin C passes out of your body in urine.

What Happens When You Don’t Get Enough Vitamin C?

Not getting enough daily vitamin C has well-established negative health effects. The primary consequence of vitamin C deficiency is scurvy, a disease in which people experience fatigue, skin rash, open and unhealing sores, bleeding gums, and bruising. If untreated, it can lead to death.

The Discovery of Scurvy

The discovery of vitamin C and scurvy happened at the same time, in the 1920s, when vitamin C deficiency was a serious and fairly common condition. Sailors on long sea voyages who subsisted on fish, dried meats, and hard tack (a basic biscuit or cracker), with no access to fresh or preserved produce, frequently experienced symptoms of scurvy, a disease characterized by the breakdown of connective tissues.

Historians estimate that between the first voyage of Columbus and the rise of the steam engine in the mid-19th century, over two million sailors perished from the disease. Shipping companies and governments assumed that half of the sailors would die from scurvy on any given voyage.

After experimenting with useless and often dangerous treatments like vinegar, “elixir of vitriol” (a particularly alarming cocktail of sulfuric acid and alcohol), and various potent laxatives, seamen finally discovered a solution in the mid-1700s. When a badly damaged British naval fleet made their way to Juan Fernández Island (off the coast of what is now Chile) with just a few hundred men left alive out of the original 1200, they (seemingly) miraculously reversed their scurvy once they began eating the foods readily available on the island: oats, clover, radishes, sorrel, and other vegetable foods rich in vitamin C.

While greens were impractical to sail with, citrus fruits could be taken on board and stored and distributed to sailors to keep them healthy. Once the sailors received fresh fruits and vegetables, scurvy could be reversed and prevented. Navies and shipping companies began taking oranges, lemons, and limes on these voyages to treat and prevent the sailors’ disease. The tie is so strong that “ascorbic” in the chemical name for vitamin C actually means “anti-scurvy.”

Scurvy Risk Today

Today, scurvy is very rare, especially if your diet is rich in fruits and veggies. Most scurvy cases are associated with a vitamin C intake of less than 10 mg per day. Some people are more at risk, however, including those who smoke, infants fed evaporated or boiled milk (as this can destroy vitamin C), people who consume diets of limited variety, and individuals who have absorption problems.

Can You Get Too Much Vitamin C?

If your body just gets rid of excess vitamin C every day, is it possible to get too much of it? The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for vitamin C is 2,000 mg, meaning that this is the amount that has been established as the highest amount generally tolerated without negative effects for most people.

The most common side effects of vitamin C, associated with excessive intake, are digestive disturbances — like diarrhea, nausea, and cramping — primarily due to unabsorbed vitamin C sitting in the gastrointestinal tract.

For a smaller number of people, excessive vitamin C can lead to more significant problems. For instance, those with hereditary hemochromatosis could be at risk for iron overload resulting in tissue damage due to the absorptive-boosting effects of vitamin C on iron. People with renal disorders may also have a heightened risk for side effects if their vitamin C intake is in excess of 1,000-2,000 mg per day. Kidney stones can form as a result of high amounts of vitamin C from supplementation, causing an increased excretion of oxalate in your urine. Though this is rare among healthy people with moderate vitamin C intakes.

Vitamin C may also have the potential to interfere with certain medications, like cholesterol-lowering statins, Adderall for ADHD, and warfarin, which is used to prevent blood clots.

For most people, however, a moderate amount of vitamin C (2,000 mg or less per day) seems to be fairly well tolerated.

Vitamin C-Rich Foods

Fruits and vegetables are very good sources of daily vitamin C. However, modern agricultural practices have depleted soil quality around the world, meaning that the soils in which crops are grown have far fewer nutrients than they used to.

An analysis of nutrient data from the Kushi Institute, conducted between 1975 and 1997, found that the average amount of vitamin C in crops had decreased by 30%. We can assume that even more depletion has occurred in the nearly 25 years since the completion of that study.

Optimizing Your Dietary Vitamin C

How do you optimize your vitamin C intake from foods? Start with choosing good sources of vitamin C (see list below). Then, pay attention to how you prepare those foods. Certain preparation methods can lower the amount of vitamin C in a food. Boiling can substantially reduce the content, whereas microwaving, surprisingly enough, preserved the most. In general, the longer and the hotter the cooking method, the more vitamin C was destroyed.

Storage methods also play a role. Fresh and frozen produce tends to have more vitamin C than canned. The longer you keep that fresh produce in your fridge or on your counter, the less vitamin C you end up with. Frozen produce is a good option as the freezing process can destroy some of the enzymes that eventually degrade vitamin C.

Though not well documented, the amount of vitamin C in fruits and veggies may also differ significantly depending on where they’re grown, how they’re grown, how long they sit after harvest, what season it is, and how they’re stored. Even fruits grown on different branches of the same tree can vary in their nutrient content!

The best way to meet vitamin C needs is to incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet on a regular basis. Good sources of vitamin C along with their approximate vitamin C content, are listed below. Note that some of these are also found on the Environmental Working Group’s Dirty Dozen list, meaning that they are often high in pesticides when grown conventionally. So it’s a good idea to buy organic produce whenever possible.

1 medium guava = 126 mg
1 medium red bell pepper = 152 mg
1 medium orange = 70 mg
1 cup of raw broccoli = 40 mg
1 small lemon = 30 mg
1 small papaya = 95 mg
1 cup of raw Brussels sprouts = 75 mg
1 cup of raw strawberries = 60 mg
1 kiwi fruit = 64 mg
¾ cup of diced pineapple = 48 mg
1 cup of frozen cauliflower florets = 21 mg
1 cup of raw cantaloupe = 57 mg
1 large tomato = 25 mg

Should You Take Vitamin C Supplements?

If you’re looking to boost your daily vitamin C intake well beyond the RDA, you can either eat a very large amount of vitamin C-rich foods like oranges, guavas, and red bell peppers, or you may want to consider supplementation. And while getting nutrients from food is almost always best, there are some compelling studies to back up the notion that for some people, vitamin C supplementation could be helpful.

Vitamin C supplementation has been found to reduce severity and shorten recovery time from illnesses, including viral infections like cold and flu. It can support your body’s natural defenses and fight inflammation. And there is some evidence from animal research and case studies in humans that high dose, or IV vitamin C, can reduce lung inflammation in severe respiratory illnesses caused by H1N1 (“swine flu”) or other similar viruses.

Best Vitamin C Supplement

One way to get very high doses of vitamin C is through intravenous, or IV, therapy. However, this can be very costly and isn’t nearly as convenient or accessible as oral vitamin C.

On the other hand, conventional oral vitamin C supplements, often in the form of vitamin C capsules, lozenges, or gummies, can have some drawbacks. For instance, they might contain highly processed ingredients, artificial fillers, and “natural” flavorings. Some also contain added sugars. And as well, vitamin C is often derived from corn, which is one of the most common GMO-foods in the United States.

Additionally, digestive issues can accompany large amounts of vitamin C via supplements. Ascorbic acid — the supplemental form of vitamin C — has a very low pH, meaning that it’s highly acidic. When a supplement doesn’t adequately buffer the ascorbic acid, it can lead to cramping, diarrhea, and other stomach-related issues in some people.

Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal vitamin C is another option to consider. This form is encapsulated in liposomes or double-layered, protective fat bubbles that deliver nutrients to cells in your body. Research shows that liposomal vitamin C is more effective and bioavailable than conventional oral vitamin C supplements.

Liposomes protect the vitamin C micelles from environmental threats and absorption barriers found in the human digestive system. As they go through your intestinal tract, the liposomes gently peel away, gradually releasing the vitamin C micelles and depositing them near the gut lining where they’re better absorbed.

Support Your Immune System with Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a known antioxidant, is found in some of the healthiest foods on the planet, and seems to be good for immune health too. Eating vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables in normal quantities has no apparent downside. And taking vitamin C supplements may have some positive benefits, though there is more to learn.Whether or not supplemental vitamin C is beneficial in the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 is an open question. But there’s little doubt that eating a diet that’s abundant in vitamin C-rich foods is good for your health — pandemic or no pandemic.

About the Author: Ocean Robbins, CEO and founder of the Food Revolution Network. He is author of 31-Day-Food-Revolution: Heal your body, feel great and transform your world.

by Brian Mastroianni

Maintaining good eye health is important for your overall quality of life. Eyesight can affect everything from reading and performing tasks at work to your ability to effectively communicate with others. If you are experiencing problems with your eyesight, there are ways to improve your vision naturally without lenses or surgery.

While no natural remedies can permanently fix common conditions like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, healthy habits like regular exercise and adopting a more nutritious diet can help improve your eye health.

Role of Healthy Lifestyle

Having trouble with your eyesight is very common. About 12 million people 40 and older in the United States experience vision impairment of some kind, while approximately 6.8 percent of children under 18 are living with a diagnosed eye condition.

Adopting healthy lifestyle changes can be an easy way to address many vision problems. Recent research has shown that people who achieved improved cardiovascular health through a heart-healthy diet and exercise had lower odds of developing ocular diseases like age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy.

Eating a Healthy Diet

To ward off degenerative, potentially blinding conditions like glaucoma, your eyes need vitamins and nutrients. Antioxidant vitamins such as vitamins A, C, and E and the mineral zinc can help stop the progress of age-related macular degeneration, for example.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are nutrients that you can find in green leafy vegetables as well as other food items like eggs. They have been shown to be helpful for macular degeneration and reduce the risk of cataracts. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for visual development and for the eye's retinal functioning.

You can find a lot of these crucial nutrients in common food items. Omega-3 fatty acids, for instance, are in walnuts, cold water fish, and flaxseed. Zinc can be found in shellfish and red meat. Some foods with vitamin A include cantaloupes, carrots, mangos, and sweet potatoes. Vitamin C can be found in brussels sprouts, broccoli, and oranges, while you'll find vitamin E in almonds, sunflower seeds, as well as peanut butter.

Getting Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is great for your overall health, particularly your eyes. People who engage in moderate exercise on a regular basis were 25% less likely to develop glaucoma in one study.

Another reason exercise is important to eye health is that health conditions that can stem from a lack of physical activity and weight gain can have significant ramifications on your eye health. One example is diabetic retinopathy, which can lead to vision loss and blindness in people who have diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is more common in people who have obesity. People who have diabetes therefore should receive a dilated eye exam at least once a year. Beyond diabetic retinopathy, diabetes can make you two to five times more likely to have cataracts and doubles a person's risk of having open-angle glaucoma.

Incorporating regular walks, riding a bike, or doing light at-home workouts could be ways to be more active and ultimately protect your eyes.

Managing Health Conditions

Some chronic conditions can have an impact on your eye health. If you are managing a chronic condition, you should ask your doctor how it may affect your body as a whole.

Conditions that can affect eye health include:

Diabetes can cause diabetic retinopathy, which is serious because it can cause vision loss and blindness. Adopting physical activity as part of your normal routine, as well as embracing a diabetes-friendly diet can help manage the condition and avoid related vision problems

High blood pressure, or hypertension, increases a person's risk of stroke and heart disease, two of the leading causes of death in the United States. High blood pressure can cause hypertensive retinopathy, which is blood vessel damage that can lead to blurry vision and even blindness. It can also cause choroidopathy, which refers to a fluid buildup under the retina, and optic neuropathy, a blockage of blood flow that can kill nerve cells and lead to vision loss. Keeping your blood pressure in check can help you avoid these eye conditions

Other chronic conditions that can affect your sight include high cholesterol, asthma, cancer, and even depression. Chronic health conditions tend to be more common in older adults who have some kind of vision impairment than in those with better eye health. Given the gradually aging U.S. population, a great public health burden is expected to present itself as more people manage vision impairments along with chronic conditions

It's important to be in contact with your eye doctor or primary physician if you notice any changes to your vision, especially if you have one of the chronic conditions that are linked to eye problems.

Visiting Your Eye Doctor

If you find yourself experiencing sudden blurry vision or other changes in your eyesight, you should visit your optometrist or ophthalmologist for an eye exam to assess your vision. They will be able to determine whether it is a symptom of a more serious underlying condition.

As with other aspects of your health, it's important to ask your eye doctor any questions and bring up concerns over changes you might be experiencing with your vision. Is it difficult to read small print in a book now? Do your eyes hurt? Do you have runny discharge and signs of a condition like pink eye, or conjunctivitis?

In general, adults in their 20s and 30s are recommended to get an eye exam every five to 10 years, which increases to every two to four years for people in their 40s to age 54. People who are 55 to 64 should get their eyes checked every one to three years, while people 65 and up should go every one to two years.

Using Eye Protection

It's important to do what you can to protect your eyes from harm. Ultraviolet radiation (UV) from the sun can greatly damage our eyes. It's believed that cataracts may be the result of years of sun damage.
It's suggested that you find sunglasses that offer 100% UV protection, have lenses that are scratch-resistant, and are free of defects like bubbles that could actually impair your vision while wearing them. They should also have a large frame that covers most of the area around your eyes. You should wear sunglasses whenever you are outside, not just on sunny days. After people receive cataract surgery, they have to wear protective sunglasses as well.

Resting Your Eyes

You should give your eyes a break now and then. Asthenopia, or eye strain, is when your eyes are sore, tired, or achy, especially after looking at a computer or phone screen for too long. This is from using the muscles that control your eye movements for a long time. You can try resting your eyes using the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, shift your eyes to look at an object at least 20 feet away, for at least 20 seconds.

You can also rest your eyes by shifting the lighting in your room. Stay 25 inches away from a screen when you do stare at one.

Quitting Smoking

Not only is smoking a dangerous risk factor for lung cancer and other illnesses, it can damage your vision. Smoking can make your eyes particularly scratchy, red, and stinging. It also increases a person's chance of developing cataracts.

Smokers and former smokers are also more likely to develop age-related macular degeneration, while smokers who also have diabetes are at greater risk for diabetic retinopathy. For those who are pregnant, smoking will make your baby five times more likely to develop bacterial meningitis.

Smoking is also linked to a higher risk of glaucoma.

Do Eye Exercises Work?

Eye exercises can alleviate discomfort or irritation, but they won't cure eye diseases or correct vision.

Optometrists do sometimes recommend vision therapy to develop or sharpen visual skills or change the ways people process visual information. It usually consists of exercises to be conducted during office visits and at home over the course of two months. You may also be given training glasses, prisms, filtered targets, or balance boards to help test and improve your vision.

Different kinds of vision therapy include:

~ Orthoptic vision therapy, which is a series of exercises carried out either weekly or over several months. These are to improve binocular function and are instructed at the office and done at home
~ Behavioral/perceptual vision therapy are eye exercises to improve visual processing
~ Vision therapy for prevention of myopia, or nearsightedness


Improving your eyesight is something you can control through lifestyle habits, such as by eating healthily, exercising regularly, and using proper eye protection when exposed to the sun. It's important to stay on top of your eye health by getting regular eye exams, and if your vision suddenly changes or worsens, consult your eye doctor and have your eyes checked. This can not only make sure you catch any eye issues early but also give you peace of mind.

Learn more how to improve your eyesight naturally


I am excited to invite you to check out the following online events:

You can sign up even when the event is over or you are not able to attend. You will get access to the recording.

Explore the 4 Hidden Energies of Tai Chi for Unwavering Balance: Discover an Ancient Movement Practice for Immunity, Stress Relief & Deep Relaxation

Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science for Living a Long, Healthy, Conscious Life: Shift Physical and Emotional Obstacles to Your Wellbeing for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health

Practices to Clear Your Energy Channels, Alleviate Stress & Anxiety, and Open Your Cosmic Flow: Experience a Guided Meditation to Release Emotional Toxins and Restore Calm, Peace & Balance

Cultivate Inner Safety, Resiliency & Wellbeing With BioDynamic Breathwork

Bathe in the Grounding Energies of a Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing: Release Stress & Grief as You Open to New Beginnings

Supercharge Your Chakra Practice: How to Heal Your Energy Centers & Unleash the Full Power of Your Life Force.

For more information and to check out other upcoming courses and events go here. New programs are added frequently.


Thank you for reading.


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This newsletter is for educational purposes only.It is your right to educate yourself in health and medical knowledge,to seek helpful information and make use of it for your own benefit, and for that of your family. You are the one responsible for your health.You must educate yourself in order to make decisions in all health matters. My views and advises are not intended to be a substitute forconventional medicine, but simply a help you to make educated changesin order to help your body heal itself. If you have a medical condition or concern you should consult your physician.

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